10 ways to get pitbulls adopted

Last month I did an informal survey where I asked for your ideas on how to get pitbulls adopted. thank you so much for everyone who participated. feel totally free to add additional ideas in the comments.

10 ways to get pitbulls adopted

1. encourage people to view the documentary “Beyond the Myth,” suggested Dana.

I also found this documentary very informative, and I recommend it to all canine lovers. Those of us in the animal sheltering world already know pitbulls are just regular dogs, but community members as a whole may not know this. possibly shelters and rescue groups around the world could encourage people to view “Beyond the Myth” by mentioning it through fliers or on their Facebook pages. organizing an event to invite community members to view the film at the shelter or elsewhere would also be a terrific idea. It’s available on Netflix.

Another documentary is coming out called “Guilty ’til Proven Innocent.” It appears to be about breed discrimination, but I don’t have much info about it. You can view the trailer here. Thanks, Brent, for the link.

2. Great pictures are worth their weight in gold, said Rachel. “I think good descriptions of personality, needs and energy levels are a good idea too,” she said. “People can really picture a canine fitting into their lifestyle that way.”

Some of the tough-looking dogs might appear intimidating to adopters, but you can soften them up in pictures by dressing them in bow ties or pink bandannas. Also, take pictures of the dogs playing with other dogs and interacting with people of all ages or even cats. including a toy in the pictures is terrific too, even if the canine isn’t actually playing with the toy.

Need an easy way to help shelter dogs? Donate some colorful bandannas, bow ties or ribbons.

3. show landlords that pitbulls are good dogs.

“My house complex doesn’t allow ‘aggressive’ canine breeds, including pitbulls, Rottweilers, and Dobermans,” said Michelle. “Since this lowers the potential adoption pool for these dogs, they’re much more likely to remain in shelters for longer.”

Michelle makes a good point. numerous of us want to adopt pitbulls, but we can’t because of breed restrictions. Does anybody have any good ideas for politely working with landlords to change these restrictions? I’d like to start a campaign on this issue, and I know insurance companies are an even larger obstacle. I think those of us who love pitbulls but don’t actually own one can be a strong voice here as well.

4. much more public events with the dogs! 

To get pitbulls adopted, rescues ought to hold much more fundraising days that involve getting the dogs out in public, suggested Eleanor. The pitbulls ought to attend these events and not be tucked away in the back kennels.

These types of events out in public are so important, because some people would never check out the shelter. They might find shelters too depressing or they might be unaware the shelter exists. So bring the dogs to them!

“When there is a adoption at a store, festival, etc., shelters need to make sure that pits are there and that people are interacting with them and learning what fantastic pals they can be,” said Kelleigh.

5. Adopt-Me vests walks, said Melissa.

This is such a easy way to get pitbulls adopted. each time you have a shelter canine or a foster canine out in public, he ought to be wearing a vest, a collar or a bandanna that says “Adopt Me!” This encourages people to method and meet the dog. Make sure to have the shelter’s contact information printed out on company cards or fliers.

Want to help get pitbulls adopted? purchase an Adopt-Me t-shirt or vest for a shelter in your area.

6. good leash manners, Melissa also suggested.

נכון מאוד. people want to adopt dogs with good leash manners, not maniacs! even if the canine you’re dealing with doesn’t have ideal leash manners, it’s your job to set him up for success. avoid him from showing obnoxious behavior such as barking, lunging or making those terrible “choking” sounds. use treats to encourage him to sit, make eye contact or walk nicely.

7. post videos of the dogs, suggested Dana.

“Maybe have much more videos of them interacting with humans, other animals, etc., to show how sweet and gentle they are.”

Shannon added that she went to meet (and adopt!) her pitbull after seeing a video of him playing with another dog.

Check out this video of adoptable canine Nemo with Angel City Pit Bulls in Los Angeles. Makes you want to adopt him, doesn’t it? Or at least kiss him on the nose?

8. allow people to view the dogs playing, said Amanda.

“Get them in a room with playful, pleased dogs – it’s hard to say no toזֶה.” (כמו בסרטון של נמו למעלה!)

9. חמש את עצמך במידע, היא גם הציעה.

ספק לאנשים מידע על האופן בו פיטבולים יכולים ליצור בעלי חיים מדהימים כמו גם מידע על חוקי כלבים מקומיים. ואז, “תן לכלבים עצמם לטעון את הוויכוח הרגשי, והמתנדבים מביאים את המקרה להביא הביתה כלבים.”

אתה צריך להיות מוכן לדון בנימוס מדוע כל המיתוסים של פיטבול הם שקריים, אך אל תדבר עם אנשים תוך כדי כך.

10. שיעורי אימונים בחינם לחלוטין לכלבים מאומצים.

“אנשים שמאמצים את פיטבולס ופיטבול מתערבבים מהחברה ההומאנית באזור שלי מקבלים מעבר אימונים של שמונה שבועות לשימוש עם הפוך המאומץ שלהם,” אמר אשלי.

אשלי שיתפה רעיון פנטסטי, אבל אני מקווה שהמקלט הזה יספק את אותה העסקה לכל הכלבים ולא רק לפיטבולים.

מהם כמה רעיונות נוספים כדי לאמץ הרבה יותר פיטבולים?

כלבים בתמונה:

סקיי (למעלה) עומד לאימוץ בפרגו, נ.ד., עם החברה ההומנית פארגו-מורהד.

ברבי ג’ו (עם הבנדנה הוורודה) עומדת לאימוץ עם קרן מרשמלו בדטרויט לייקס, מיני.

פרנקי (עם אפוד ה- Adopt-Me) עומד לאימוץ בווירג’יניה באמצעות ליגת הרווחה של בעלי החיים של ארלינגטון.

נמו (בסרטון) מיועד לאימוץ עם אנג’ל סיטי פיטבול בלוס אנג’לס.

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